Field with fall trees and leaves


Our female sexed embryos are designed to be a herd improvement tool for farmers and ranchers that understand that in today’s beef market success requires calving ease cows that year after year produce a calf crop with excellent weaning weigh, and the carcass merit to demand top dollar in their specific market.

Offering 101

EXAR RITA 4049/G A R SUNBEAM - IVF FEMALE SEXED EMBRYOS. 10 embryos for sale. Sold in lots, with each lot containing 2 embryos. These female sexed embryos are a blend of some of the best genetics the Gardiner and Express ranches have to offer. Price $475.00 per embryo plus shipping. All embryo collection, storage, and shipping are under the direction of TRANS OVA GENETICS, Boonsboro, Md.

G A R Sunbeam

SIRE: G A R Sunbeam, reg# 18636166. A Gardner Ranch proven bull promoting calving ease, growth, and carcass merit. His daughters command top dollar at Gardner sales.

EXAR Rita 4049

DAM: EXAR RITA 4049, reg# 19558716. Direct from Express Ranches world renown cow herd and the famous RITA COW FAMILY.

Contact Us


H. Wayne and RoseMarie Kraeer
292 Scenic Dr.
Avella, PA 15312


Wayne Kraeer

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