Our female sexed embryos are designed to be a herd improvement tool for farmers and ranchers that understand that in today’s beef market success requires calving ease cows that year after year produce a calf crop with excellent weaning weigh, and the carcass merit to demand top dollar in their specific market.
Offering 103
EXAR RITA 0510/ GAR SUNBEAM - 1 IVF FEMALE SEXED EMBRYO, price $490.00, plus shipping. All embryo collection, storage, and shipping are under the direction of TRANS OVA GENETICS, Boonsboro, MD.
SIRE: G A R SUNBEAM, reg# 18636166. One of Gardiner Ranches high-use sires, with proven calving ease, growth, and carcass merit.
DAM: EXAR RITA 0510, reg# 19784790. Selected from Express Ranches cow herd for her Rita cow family pedigree, great looks, and her set of EPDs, of which 13 rank in the top 10%, with WW, YW, $W, and CEM in the top 1% tier.